What are the essential items to put in a handbag?

It is often said that a handbag contains the entire life of a woman or certain men, and that is true. But we often put different objects in our handbags, which then weigh too much and will be too cluttered. But what should we put in our handbags?

The essentials to put in a handbag

It is important to know that there are essential items to put in a handbag in addition to the make-up kit. There is what is called a companion which is at the same time wallet, wallet and cardholder, it even has small flat pockets to slip in driver's license, identity card, mutual insurance, blood group and bus or subway tickets and restaurant tickets. But, also, we must put our mobile phone and keys in our handbag and put them in dedicated pockets if there are any. His diary and kit containing his check book, keys, mobile phone, Navigo card or other public transport card, pen, notebook, USB key, medicines, tissues and chewing gum or tablets should not be left out. Not to mention her make-up kit with a lip gloss or lip balm, sun powder and mini mascara.

The hygienic kit

In his handbag, there must always be his hygiene kit. This kit is composed first of an antibacterial gel that is very practical to clean hands when there is no water or soap available. You must also put sanitary napkins or tampons in it. In addition to these sanitary towels, to avoid unpleasant surprises, you should also have a travel brush and toothpaste in your hygiene kit to ensure good oral hygiene. Not to mention chewing gum or lozenges for fresh breath at any time of the day, tissues, very useful at any time.

A little advice

To easily find yourself when looking for objects inside your bag, it is advisable to compartmentalize this bag into kits such as a beauty kit, a kit of essentials, a geek kit, a hygiene kit, etc. This way, if you need to change bags, simply transfer your kits from one bag to another.
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